Week 25

I got transferred to a new doctor in my town so I don't have to travel 25 minutes to each appointment. He's real nice and I think it will work out well. He offered to give us another ultrasound to try and determine the sex if we wish. That will be great! The only bad thing is, I was informed we have a shortage of anaethesiologists here, and if we don't get a new one before January, I better hope I don't have the baby between 10 pm and 8 am, or NO EPIDURAL! ahhhhhhhh! Guess I'd better start practicing my breathing!

This was Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada. Kinda weird still, being from the US where we don't celebrate until the end of November. But I never pass up turkey and pumpkin pie. *smile* My appetite is increasing, but so is my heartburn so I'm not sure it's a fair trade off. haha

My husband's family surprised us with a baby shower after dinner. We got some really great gifts. It's starting to feel more and more like a reality, but it is also making January look so far away. We are just so anxious to see this little one!

One of the coolest moments was when we took out the listening device that I mentioned in last week's entry. We let everyone take a listen. But the most precious was our little nephew, Eric, 2 1/2. He put on the headphones and all of a sudden his eyes got real wide and he said, "I can hear the baby! Wow!" He asked about another 10 times to hear the baby the rest of the night. We should all be in awe of the miracle of life, just like he was.

profile ultrasound - 25 weeks