Peanut now weighs about 14 grams and is approximately 3.54 inches in total length. His/her size has been doubling every week. He/she is floating around effortlessly in the amniotic sac. I can't wait until I can feel Peanut moving. He/she is already practicing the karate kicks that will soon keep me up at night, even though they are just reflex movements at this time.
I had an appointment at 10 weeks, just before going on holidays, and got a clean bill of health. My uterus is growing at a normal rate and everything seems fine. The next time I go see him, I am hoping to hear the baby's heart beat for the first time. I remember the first time I heard my other children's heartbeats. It's not at all what you think it should sound like. It's very fast, kind of like a whooshing sound. Click on the file below to hear a sample.