Week 10

The baby gets a new name, it's now called a fetus. I don't know if I like that much, it sounds too clinical. I think we'll stick to Peanut, it's much more personal. Peanut has grown a lot in the last week or 2, he/she is not about 1.06-1.38 inches and weighs about 4 grams. That's about the same as 4 paper clips! It's hard to imagine that in 7 shorth months Peanut will have grown another 19 or so inches and gained about 7 pounds!

Peanut's little toes and fingers have formed. The eyes are open wide, but the eyelids are beginning to fuse, and they will stay closed until Peanut is about 7 months along as the eyes develop fully. Even his/her little ears are formed, which daddy is hoping will help the baby to hear him talking soon. It's so sweet to hear him talk in his quiet, special voice, "I love you - I can't wait to see you!" He's going to be a great daddy.