Week 9

So many changes taking place. This whole process is amazing. No wonder they call it a miracle. Sometimes it is overwhelming to think that a life is growing inside my body. Since I've been through it before, I find I'm not as anxious about it, even though I have to admit I still worry that something will go wrong. But I have to think positive and stay healthy. We have been avoiding one of our favorite pastimes, karaoke, because of all the second hand smoke. I'm trying to eat right and take my vitamins. Everything I do now I have to stop and think of how it will affect the baby. It's good discipline.

I'm starting to realize that I can't wear my regular clothes anymore. The strange thing is, even though most women dread this, I couldn't be happier. I never thought I'd get to experience this again. It outweighs (if you'll excuse the pun) the more unpleasant side effects of pregnancy, like acne, constipation, heartburn (lots of that) and gas, which makes it hard to go in public for fear of embarrassment (lol). But all in all, I can't wait to get a big belly. I like the way people look at a pregnant woman, I can't wait for that to be me.