Week 8

We've made it to the two month mark. Time seems to be going by so slowly. We can't wait for the baby to get here. Right now Peanut is just a picture in our minds, even though we know he/she is there, we still can only imagine what Peanut will look like, sound like, what his/her personality will be. As you can see in the picture below, each week that passes he/she looks more and more like a baby, but there are many more changes to take place in the next 7 months.

In the next week, the sex of the baby (which is already determined) becomes more evident physically when certain cells become either gonads or ovaries. We have decided that when we can, we will find out the sex of the baby. Csaba wants a girl, so he can spoil her no doubt. But of course, we both just want a happy, healthy baby.