Week 31

Ok, so I jinxed us by bragging about the weather. We went from sun to snow overnight. If this early snow is any indication of the winter we're going to have, I'm even more thankful that I only live 5 minutes from the hospital. But we got by pretty good, compared to our neighboring city of Buffalo, NY. They got dumped on with 3 feet of snow in a matter of hours, people were stranded in malls and grocery stores overnight. Uh, oh, I hope I didn't jinx us again! haha

My doctor's appointment went well, all is good. The baby is really growing, and something tells us Peanut may arrive early. So we got busy this week on the baby's room, giving it a fresh coat of paint. I hope to have pictures posted as soon as we're done. I painted a mural on the wall of a teddy bear angel, sitting on a cloud. Above it says "Heaven Sent". When the baby comes, his/her name will go on the wall. I hope Peanut likes it.

I'm only one of several people in our family who have had or will have babies soon. My brother's wife is due only a week or so after me! I just received the web address from my cousin with pics of her new baby. You can go here to see them.