Week 6

The doctor ordered an ultrasound to make sure that the baby was growing in the uterus and not in the tube. It was one of the most uncomfortable days of my life. I had to drink a liter of water - no going to the bathroom (ahhh!) and then I had to drive to the next town, wait in the waiting room, then they pushed the ultrasound down on my full bladder. I was never so happy to hear the words "You can use the washroom now." They also had to do a transvaginal ultrasound, which is where they actually put an ultrasound wand inside to get a better look. It was not so bad. You couldn't see much of the baby at this point because it's so early, but they could at least tell that it was in fact growing where it should be. What a relief. Below is a picture of an ultrasound at six weeks that shows up a bit better than mine did.