Week 35

Waiting, waiting, waiting.....

That's all we can do now. As a quote I read says, "You can either despair that the rose bush has thorns, or you can rejoice that the thorn bush has roses. ~Anonymous" So I guess I use this time to smell the roses.

As I make my way through the malls in the mad rush to finish Christmas shopping, I have noticed two things. One is - my Braxton Hicks contractions get stronger the longer and farther I walk... and two - people get very nervous when they notice me experiencing point one. Something about the sight of a very pregnant woman stopping and rubbing her stomach and breathing rhythmically that widens eyes and makes people stop in their tracks - go figure!

I am reading up on what to expect, after all it's been 14 years and I'm sure things will be totally different this time around. Here is a link for more information on the topics I've been reading about such as effacement, dilitation, contractions, etc....