Sleep???? What's that?
I'll be plenty prepared for 2 a.m. feedings, because I am already waking up on a regular schedule to go potty, get a drink or snack about every 2 hours during the night. Heartburn is a regular companion - thank God for Rolaids! Finding a comfortable position is very difficult but I am finding that on my right side is best. For some reason, it helps from time to time to lay at the foot of the bed. I don't know if it is the angle the mattress is or because of how my husband is sleeping, or just a change of position, but it seems to work.
Speaking of my hubby, the other day, he got a strange wake up call. I turned on my left side and snuggled up against his back. I was not quite awake. All of a sudden - boom - the baby kicked, and he felt it through me and into his back! It woke us both up for sure! I guess Peanut didn't like being rolled over that way. You can actually see my belly poke out when he/she kicks. It's pretty amazing.
No wonder we can feel it! Peanut is about 13.8 inches long (35 cms) and weighs about 2 pounds 4 ounces (1 kilogram)!